



4-28-10: Added 200 # of Tilapia. (roughly 2,000 fish) 1/3 at Spells, 1/3 at LaChance, 1/3 at Dingee. 200 grass carp (11-13″) are coming for mid May. Allan’s concern for 7-9″ carp is that they are small enough that the Bass may eat them. This puts us at 12 carp per acre, about 900 in the lake total.

Jan 2010: Approximately 6,000 Tilapia (which graze on algae) were introduced to the lake in June 2009. The young are an excellent food source for the bass.

Carp are our grazers. They feed on the bottom. It is recommended to have a maximum 10 carp per acre to prevent overgrazing. Carp overpopulation occurred in Lake Conroe recently, and now they are replanting vegetation.

We are currently at 9.3 carp/acre. Approx # of Carp is 700.
In Nov. ’08 225 grass carp were added to the lake and another 225 in Jan. ’09. On Sept. 18 ’09 an additional 250 carp were added.


April 2010 – Lake Survey results – click here to read the hyperlink

Jan 2010 – The last fish survey (date) indicated the fish population numbers and distribution were in a desirable state.
About 60,000 threadfin shad (food for the bass) were added in Mar. ’09.

The Assoc. has a fish and habitat survey done every 2 or 3 yrs. The goal of this program is to have a top-down management of the food chain by maintaining sufficient numbers of large mouth bass. These in turn control the perch numbers and also reduces native carp, buffalo, and other trash fish numbers. A voluntary catch – and- release program for bass is currently in effect. Bass, blue gill, perch, and catfish are added to the lake as needed. See the Lake Association booklet for details on catch requirements per fish size and quantity.


5-15-2010 We do use consultants to manage the lake quality. Allan Rudd from Lone Star Lake management is an A&M marine biologist . He has been working closely with us on these issues. Here is a link to his website <<>>

In 1990 the Assoc. decided to switch from chemical spraying to organic control of aquatic vegetation. During this period to date, sterile grass carp have been serially added to the lake as recommended by Alan Rudd of Lake Star Management. The goal has been to have approx. 30% vegetation coverage with no more than 10carp/acre. The results have been cyclical–ranging from periods of no plant coverage to an excess. But experts in the field report this is the norm, and overall, the Assoc. members have been fairly satisfied with the results.


Alligators are found in our lake. A 4 foot alligator was caught Sept 2009 by David Dingee. It is suggested that you call the game warden for removal. It is preferred that we catch these for re-release elsewhere.